It’s been a while since my last post, up until last Friday not much has happened to write about, and then the proverbial hit the fan. For those who aren’t aware, Tea and I fostered a little Yorkshire terrier, she’s called Molly and she’s a very special but very poorly little lass. She has a medical condition called Cushing’s disease, she also has diabetes, she’s blind, baldish and on top of all that she’s 12 years old. But despite all those things she’s a tough little cookie. She never complains or whimpers and she gives the most amazing greetings in the morning. On Friday evening I came home from work and decided to give Molly Pops a bath, so far so good. Whilst we were in the bathroom, Trudes went off to collect her friends that were coming to stay. Molly was dried and brushed and all fluffy and cute. I took her downstairs and she settled on the sofa beside me. About twenty minutes later she was sick on the sofa, I cleaned up and whilst doing so she was sick again. Within an hour she was extremely hot to the touch and her breathing was shallow and wheezy. Trudes decided that she was going to spend the night with her as she continued to be sick and was refusing food and drink. Trudes was having to use a syringe to get water into her. At about 4 in the morning Trudes woke me to tell me that Molly had had some kind of seizure, she stood up, went rigid then flopped over all twitchy and foaming at the mouth. There was more vomiting and a nasty case of the runs so Trudes made an emergency vet appointment.
We got to the vets and Molly was taken in to see the nice lady who took her temperature, 108 apparently that’s not good for any dog, let alone one with Molly Pop’s problems. The vet advised us to get her to the dog hospital, so with the agreement of Tea’s dad, off we sped. We arrived at the hospital in Ashford and were promptly taken in to see another vet. He listened to her heart and said “you’re aware of her heart murmur!” “NO!” we both replied. Anyway since she was now severely dehydrated and clearly very ill, we were told that she would need to stay in for a couple of days. Walking out of the hospital without my little Molly Popples was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do for a long time. We headed home; the journey was very quiet and solemn. About 2pm that same day the phone rang and it was the vet, I passed him over to Tea who was told that Molly’s kidneys were failing, her liver levels were elevated and her white blood cells were very high. Once Trudes told me this I almost resigned to the fact that our girl would not be coming home, and I began to prepare myself for the inevitable. The rest of Saturday remained solemn, although we went into town with our guests, Molly wasn’t out of my thoughts for very long and I’m fairly sure it was the same for Trudes.
Sunday morning arrived, I’d not had a great deal of sleep and I think Trudes had had even less. I went downstairs and pottered about, chatting with our guests, then I phoned the vet to see how my girl was doing. Good news, she’d brightened a bit but wasn’t out of the woods yet. The vet phoned again later in the day telling Trudes that she’d managed to eat something and keep it down, this was also good news. I went to work as usual on Monday morning, whilst there I got a text from Tea simply saying “call me!” My first thought was oh dear it’s bad. I rang her and she said that the vet was happy with molly progress and pending the results of a second set of tests she would be able to come home on Tuesday. By the end of the day Trudes had heard from the vets and Molly’s condition was vastly improved and she would be home soon.
It’s Tuesday now and I came home to be greeted by the best Yorkshire terrier in the world and had to fight to contain the urge to blub. She has to see the vet again on Friday for a blood test and she has more pills to take but she well and her appetite has returned.
It surprises me how much she’s worked her way in to our hearts, I know she as a limited time but it’s down to me and Trudes to ensure that for as long as she has, she’s loved. I also know that when I do say goodbye to my Little Miss Molly for the last time, it will break my heart.
Still the good thing is that for the time being she well and back to her normal self. The vet did say that he was impressed with how much of a fighter she is and that she didn’t complain once about the jabs and the prodding and poking she’s had to go through over the last few days. In fact to look at her now, you’d never know that we probably came very close to losing her.
over the last few days Molly’s blog has had in excess of 500 hits and well wishes from all sorts of places, she’s once seriously loved up pup.
Believe in the power of the paws!
I am hoping to meet The Miraculous Molly when I am over.
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